To find constellations is a stimulus for any beginner, and that we all have spent for it as an adventure opposite to the challenge of the dark sky that we have on us for any night. The key consists of identifying the most brilliant and then of jumping from star to star according to the directions that have. To be able to identify correctly the constellations, it is necessary to be able to see the stars that draw his figures. From here, when already we have located some zodiacal constellation we are moving with the sight to the constellations that first this one has to the side, always and when we have a map of the night sky or a guide for simple sight. It is called so that we need to identify the drawings of the paper in the celestial sphere. Once we have identified a constellation in the night sky, other we will extract them automatically, the difficult thing is the first one, we must look for a person who knows one, alone one, with it it will be enough to begin in the map.
Constellation does not place on alignments very notably. In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Pisces in the western part and Taurus in the eastern part. Aries also designates a sign of zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by it Sun from March 21 to April 19. Under the constellation of the Triangle, the constellation of Aries will be easy to find. It is a constellation formed of stars of half a brilliancy.
Etymology: According to the Greek Arian mythology it represents the sheep with the golden fleece. This fleece will be looked by the Argonauts in his adventures.
In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Aries in the western part and Gemini in the eastern part. Taurus also designates a sign of zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun of 20 the April on May 20.
Etymology: Taurus possibly was one of the first constellations, named in recollection of the respected animal. The beast and the constellation have been over-praised in almost all the civilizations in the Half East. It is a region prolífera of the sky, where they find prominent stars, the heaps of the Pléyades (Seven Cabritas), the Híadas, and tenuous but important Cloudy of the Crab.
In effect, if an imaginary line is planned between these two stars and what we chase this line towards the north it is, we will reach then easily Gemini, very extensive constellation in the shape of rectangle. Two more brilliant stars of the constellation are Pólux in the head of Gemini of left side.
Gemini designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from May 21 to June 21.
Etymology: In the classic Greece they represent two born twins of Leda, of different parents. The mortal and different immortal one (son of Zeus), that they shared everything except the death. To Beaver threatened before the death turns, Pólux asked the gods to take the life from him also not to separate of his brother. Finally they granted both the immortality, on condition of which united they were descending to Hades (between the dead men) the first part of the year and in the following half, they were returning to the life to the Olimpos. Later the former Greeks considered them the Santos Patrones of the sailors.
Placed not far from Gemini, the small constellation of the Cancer shines. It is formed by six stars. These stars are of weak brilliancy. Cancer designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from June 22 to July 23.
Etymology: The Greek mythology saw a crab in this group of stars. Cancer was sent to the sky by the goddess Hera, after the serpent being squashed for bitting the big toe to Hercules, while it was fighting against Hidra, it marinades. For the Babylonians this constellation was a tortoise and the caldeos believed that it was a door where the souls of the sky were happening up to the human bodies.
He identifies thanks to a group of stars that a drawing typical of sickle forms. We can observe easily this constellation in our hemisphere in spring. The most brilliant star I Read it is Régulus (to I Read). This constellation is crossed by the Sun from August 10 to September 16. In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between the luminous Cancer in the western part and Virgo in the eastern part. I read also it designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from July 24 to August 23.
Etymology: They were the Greeks those who saw a lion thrown in this boss of stars. According to them, the lion was dead for Hercules as part of his 12 tasks.
Is easily observable of our north hemisphere and uses as indication for the identification of other constellations. In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places I Read in the western part and It Frees in the eastern part. Virgo also designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun of August 24 to 22 the September.
Etymology: Many cultures have seen in this boss of stars a feminine important figure: the goddess fenisia of the love "Ishtar", the Greek "Perséfone", "Deméter" the goddess of the agriculture and up to the "Virgin Mary". Since he is next to Pound, the scale, also it was interpreted by the Greeks as the goddess of the Justice, He says.
In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Virgo in the western part and Scorpio in the eastern part. It is a modest constellation that does not contain any star of the first magnitude. Long ago it was considered to be the tweezers of Scorpio (his stars throw his name). Pound designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from September 23 to October 22.
Etymology: It does more than 2.000 years, the Romans identified this group of stars as a scale supported by Virgo. Previously one saw as part of Scorpion and for it the names of his principal stars mean " pliers more in the northern part " (alpha) and " pliers more in the southern part " (thread).
In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Pound to the oste and Sagittarius in the eastern part. He is in the southern hemisphere, very widely under the ecliptic. Initially, the constellation also was understanding to Pound. The latter has been separated from the Scorpio to complete to twelve the number of the zodiacal constellations. Scorpion designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from October 23 to November 21.
Etymology: In agreement to the Greek mythology, it represents to the scorpion that killed the hunter Orión, on having punctured it, and as consequence " they were placed in points objected in the sky ". When Scorpion goes out for the this horizon, Orión goes to bed for the west and vice versa.
In the order of the zodiac, constellation places between Scorpio in the western part and Capricorn in the eastern part. When Scorpio is visible, Sagittarius is orientated easily, for his form. One places in the axis of two " eyes of the cat " of the tail of the Scorpio. The constellation is easily recognizable for an asterismo to form of tea-pot. Sagittarius designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from November 22 to December 20.
Etymology: The Greek culture saw in this boss of stars Croto, the son of the god Pan, inventor of the arch, which appears towards Scorpion. It is represented as a centaur by an arch, though another constellation named Centaur exists.
In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Sagittarius in the western part and Aquarius in the eastern part. Capricorn also designates a sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from December 21 to January 20. The constellation is relatively easy to place with relation to big alignments: it places on the right way that goes away of the Great one Dares, I happen for the heart of the Dragoon and for his head, to come to touch to Vega of the Lira, then Altair.
Etymology: The Babylonians and Sumerian created a meaning for this group of stars. Then it was taken by the Greeks, who saw in him his god Pan, who belonged similar to a kid and turned his back part into fish to escape of the marine monster Typhoon.
In the order of zodiac, the constellation places between Capricorn in the western part and Pisces in the eastern part. It is between the oldest constellations of sky. Éridan is in a zone of the sky often called the Sea, because of his abundance of such aquatic constellations the Whale, Fish, etc. Sometimes, the river Éridan is drawn coming from the jar of Aquarius. Aquarius also designates a sign of zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30° of the ecliptic crossed by it Sun from January 20 to February 18. The principal axis of Aquarius places in diagonal North-east / Southwest of the great square of Stick, Southern side. The constellation spreads on this axis from the feet of Stick up to the head of the Capricorn, marked by a couple of brilliant enough stars.
Etymology: This group of stars was seen in the antiquity as a young person who spills water of a pitcher. The water flows to the mouth of the fish of the south. Different interpretations exist in the matter: some of them say that it represents Ganímedes, others to Deucalión. The symbol of spilling water interprets the gods as a sacrifice, by what a space was given to him between the stars.
In the order of the zodiac, the constellation places between Aquarius in the western part and Aries in the eastern part. Though big enough, it cuts away a skirt of the sky removed from the plane of the Milky Way and does not contain that few visible stars, totally enough little luminous. Pisces also designates a sign of Zodiac corresponding to the sector of 30 ° of the ecliptic crossed by the Sun from February 19 to March 20.
Etymology: This constellation is of Babylonian origin, from whom the former Greeks inherited it. In her they saw to two fish that escape for the river Euphrates, ties with a rope to his tails not to get lost. The fish are Aphrodite and his son Eros, two gods who took this form to flee of Typhoon, the marine monster of multiple heads.