Dec 21, 2011

Mini-notice: "The saturn triangle"

In the moorning of tuesday (dec 20) we all can see an interesanting celestial array: “saturn triangle" , the moon, saturn and the star Spica (star in the virgo constelation) formed a isoceles triangle. Moon-saturn and Moon-Spica been the sides of triangle.


  1. This is really interesting!
    Camila Cifuentes Jiménez - 3rd E

  2. wow! I did not know that, but on December 20 would have been
    but have to wait until next year :(

    Nicole Valdés 3ºD

  3. :/.....i don´t now this notice, i would like can see the triangle.

    Thanks for the information, i like your blog is very interesting

    @Camila Contreras 3°D
